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Information Systems for Attorney General’s Offices in Mexico

As part of USAID’s Programa para el Fortalecimiento de Instituciones de Justicia Penal Estatal (ConJusticia), LAB-CO collaborated with the Coahuila State Attorney General’s Office to develop the Integral System of Statistical Data (known in Spanish as SIDE). This system is designed to capture and manage information on investigation files and criminal cases.

Technological Challenges: Implementing Information Systems in AGOs

The daily information generated by the AGOs is crucial for the effective administration of justice. It enables institutions to make data-driven decisions, enhance transparency, and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

Despite its importance, obtaining high-quality information remains a challenge for many institutions in Mexico. Constraints such as limited infrastructure, a shortage of qualified personnel, and financial restrictions hinder the implementation of systems that produce reliable data.

In Coahuila, they faced several challenges with its information management system. The most important challenge was to modernize the system to ensure seamless updates, enhance data integrity, and drive greater user adoption and operational integration among staff.

SIDE: Coahuila AGO’s New Information System

In response to these challenges, LAB-CO and the Coahuila Attorney General’s Office (AGO) embarked on an institutional transformation to develop a comprehensive information management system for criminal cases. Thys system was built using PHP-Laravel, an opensource and free frameworks that facilitates the development of web applications. This ensures that the system remains adaptable, guaranteeing long-term functionality and scalability.

The key components include:

  • Data Capture Module: This module enables the statistical capture of information related to investigation files, utilizing standardized formats and catalogs. The module operates offline, ensuring that information can be recorded under any circumstances.

  • Bulk Upload Module: This module streamlines the mass upload of captures formats into the web version of the system, simplifying the process of data digitalization and centralization.

  • Data Update and Validation Module: This module allows for the continuous updating of investigation file data throughout the judicial process. It also enables supervisors to review and validate information, ensuring quality control and the accuracy and reliability of the data.


  • Data Visualization and Utilization Module: This module offers a dashboard to visualize data registered in the system in real-time. It also includes an option to export registered information in CSV format, providing timely and precise data for informed decision-making.


The SIDE was developed using open-source code, allowing the Attorney General’s Office of Coahuila the freedom to modify and use the system flexibly.

Development of the SIDE: A Collaborative and Adaptative Process

LAB-CO implemented an iterative and collaborative assistance methodology, forming work teams comprising personnel from operational, systems, and statistical departments to jointly drive internal change within the institution.

In the initial stage, pilot tests were conducted in select units to gather feedback from staff. Following this, the SIDE was tested under real-world conditions for three months. This involved its deployment in specific units to monitor its functionality and stability, with the aim of identifying potential issues and areas for improvement, ensuring that the system effectively met the demands of a real-world environment.

The final phase focused on capacity building for operational staff. LAB-CO conducted training sessions to familiarize personnel with the new system and provided technical staff with the necessary knowledge to make future adjustments. Finally, the system documentation and user manuals were handed over to the institution, ensuring that the tool remains useful and adaptable over time.

Institutional Transformation

The development of SIDE has brought significant benefits to the institution. Primarily, the new system has enabled the Attorney General’s Office of Coahuila to obtain higher-quality data, optimize processes, and enhance its ability to fulfill transparency obligations. Furthermore, the iterative process fostered communication between various individuals and departments within the institution, such as the close collaboration between the executive and IT areas in the system’s development.

The implementation of SIDE has not only modernized information management within the Attorney General’s Office of Coahuila but has also strengthened the institution’s capacity to tackle challenges related to institutional improvement, promoting a more transparent, efficient justice system that is better aligned with local realities.


Fiscalía General del Estado de Coahuila





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